Welcome to the Kelley Families' Website


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Mom and Dad Mom Maureen Jimmy
Dad Kathy
Tommy Colleen
Jack's Sarah Pauleen Jeanne's Samantha Jeanne Eddie Kerry
Kathy's Karina and Robert Kathy Colleen Colleen's Erin Pauleen's Matthew Pauleen's Melissa
Kerry's Nick Jack's Carol Kerry's Katelyn


  Click here to view more photos of Jack's family
  Click here to view more photos of Pauleen's family
  Click here to view more photos of Kathy's family
  Click here to view photos more photos of Colleen's family
  Click here to view photos of our little piece of heaven: Button Falls in Vermont
  Click here to view photos of Mo's trip to London
  Click here to view friends at Mo and Tom's wedding
  Click here to view photos
of Mo & Tom's trip to Paris

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